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    School-Enterprise Collaboration
    School-Enterprise Collaboration

    Strengthen moral education and talent cultivation, focus on practical skills and train talent through practice

    Chambroad's N1N Bases for Teaching, Training, and Commercialization of Science and Technology Advances

    • Ambitious "N"
      We open our industrial platforms as the school-run workshops of N universities.
    • One Platform
      Chambroad's industrial platform
    • Down-to-earth "N"
      We take the lead in inducing N local industries and industrial chains to participate in the industry-education integration.

    Origin, Connotation, and Value of N1N

    Originating from a school-run enterprise, we thrive on vocational training and technological innovation of employees, and have a fine tradition of respect for teachers and education.

    A Complete Industrial Chain

    More than 200 supervisors from universities or colleges and over 200 tutors from enterprises jointly provide teaching and training in over 190 subjects 190+ which are subject to dynamic evaluation and change every quarter.
    Partners of Enterprises
    Partners of Universities

    Honors for the Platforms

    • 2022 - An enterprise for jointly implementing the program “Employment and Education for Matching Supply and Demand” launched by the Ministry of Education
    • 2021 - A national-level industry-education integration enterprise
    • 2021 - A typical case of the “One Hundred Key Projects and One Hundred Key Enterprises for the Cooperation between Schools and Enterprises” appraised by the China Association of Higher Education
    • 2020 - An enterprise participating in the “New Engineering” research and practice program launched by the Ministry of Education
    • 2020 - Shandong’s Key Industry-Education Integration Enterprise
    • 2020 - Shandong's Demonstration Base for Joint Training of Postgraduates for the Integration between Industry and Education
    • 2020 - A National-Level High and New Technology Enterprise
    • 2019 - An enterprise for jointly implementing the program of “Industry and School Cooperation for Collaborative Education” launched by the Ministry of Education
    • 2019 - One of Shandong’s first batch of entities engaging in the Pilot Program for the Independent Talent Assessment of Skilled Personnel for Enterprises
    • 2018 - Shandong’s Provincial-Level Enterprise Innovation Center
    • 2018 - Shandong Center for the Engineering Technology Research of Eco-Friendly Microbial Agents
    • 2015 - Shandong’s Provincial-Level Key Laboratory on the Catalysis and Polymerization of Olefins
    • 2014 - A National Key Laboratory of C4 and C5 Olefins in the Petrochemical Industry
    • 2013 - Shandong Sulfide Engineering Research Center
    • 2008 - A postdoctoral research station


    Highlights of Teaching and Training

    Achievements in the Stage of Industry-Education Integration

    • 90+
      colleges have signed industry, university, and research cooperation agreements
    • 130+
      projects have been listed in the program of Industry and School Cooperation for Collaborative Education launched by the Ministry of Education
    • 60+
      colleges have signed training base agreements
    • 4+
      projects have been selected as the New Engineering projects supported by the Ministry of Education
    • 6+
      colleges have worked with us and established modern industry schools
    • 1
      Key Project of Undergraduate Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform in Tianjin
    • 90+
      projects for cooperation
    • 5+
      provincial-level joint training bases for postgraduates
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