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    Public Welfare
    Public Welfare

    Serve the society and contribute to a more sustainable future

    Message from Leadership

    We judge the maturity of an enterprise not by the capital it has accumulated, but by its conscientious performance of bounded duties. Similarly, we judge the success of a person not by the wealth he/she has, but by his/her assumption of social responsibilities.

    Giving back to Education Sector

    We work with the Charity and Filial Piety Commonweal Foundation of LeAn Shandong, form a systematic assistance system covering elementary education, compulsory education, and special education, and fuel more students' growth by donating money, establishing schools, and offering scholarships.

    • Make Donations to Special Education
    • Support Education at Elementary and Middle Schools
    • Support Education at Elementary and Middle Schools
    • Public Welfare Activity of “Clothes Donation”
    • Volunteers Care for Special Children

    Support the Elderly Care Sector

    Guided by the culture of "benevolence and filial piety", we support the development of the elderly care sector, improve their infrastructure through direct investment or funding, and explore new modes of elderly care to improve the quality of life of the elderly.In 2021, the charity elderly care centers served 2,000 odd elderly people.

    In 2021, the charity elderly care centers served 2,000 odd elderly people.

    We funded the Charity and Filial Piety Commonweal Foundation of Lean Shandong to build Boxing Lean Cixiao Hospital, integrate domestic medical resources, and provide patients with efficient, fast, and effective diagnosis and treatment programs.In addition, given the problems such as the lack of medical resources in the county and the difficulty for the elderly to go out to see a doctor, we have established a strategic cooperative relationship with the Affiliated Hospital of Binhai Medical University, invited experts to sit for consultation, and carried out one-on-one consultation, free medical treatment, and remote consultation services, so that residents can enjoy advanced medical services without leaving home.

    Chambroad's volunteer activities

    We advocate employees actively participating in volunteer activities, form Chambroad volunteer teams, conduct periodic appraisals for excellent volunteers, provide them with material and spiritual rewards, and create a pleasant volunteer service atmosphere.

    • 2000+
      members in Chambroad’s volunteer teams
    • 6500+
      hours of service
    • 30+
      public welfare activities
    Afforestation Low-carbon cycling on Environment Day Garbage sorting campaign
    Blood donation, bone marrow donation Old age care Loving student

    Public Welfare

    In the face of emergencies in society, we bravely take responsibility, actively cooperate with local governments to participate in joint prevention and control of emergencies for the public, encourage employees to participate in community relief work, and contribute to the health and safety of local people.

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